Born from the passion of a former basketball enthusiast turned social services advocate, ELTSUH LLC is not just a clothing line, but a movement towards self-improvement and community empowerment.

Our apparel is designed with messages of self-love, self-motivation, and self-awareness, serving as daily reminders for you to embrace growth, find healing, cultivate gratitude, and discover inner peace. When you look in the mirror, let our designs ignite your journey towards becoming the best version of yourself.

But we're more than just a brand – we're a resource hub, recognizing the pivotal role of meeting basic needs in achieving personal aspirations. We provide information about free and low-cost resources in NYC, coupled with transformative workshops and events designed to enrich your life.

With every purchase, you're contributing to the realization of an immersive community space. Picture a place where social services intersect with meetups, activities, classes, and events – a hub dedicated to nurturing the mind, body, and spirit.

Join us at ELTSUH in redefining fashion as a catalyst for personal growth and community building. Together, let's fashion a brighter, more empowered tomorrow.

The true definition of retail therapy.